Ebro Alalá school for well-being

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Ebro Alalá school for well-being

The Escuela de Bienestar Ebro Alalá (Ebro Alalá School for Well-being) is a cross-cutting nutrition and promotion of health programme implemented by the Fundación Ebro and Fundación Alalá in a disadvantaged neighbourhood (known as the barrio de las 3.000 viviendas) in Seville. The programme offers the children and their families tools and information about healthy living and nutrition through sport and a good diet.

The aim of the project is to raise awareness among the residents of this area about the benefits of maintaining a balanced diet and taking part in sport. Professionals from the areas of medicine and nutrition give workshops on how to eat healthily at little cost, teach the basics about physiotherapy activities and “à la carte” exercises for different professions, etc.

To foster an interest in sport, sporting activities are organised in collaboration with the Alalá soccer school.

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