The Group’s major commitment to Photovoltaic Energy

In line with the commitments set out in our Sustainability Plan, the Group has made a firm commitment to the implementation of photovoltaic plants in those production centres where this activity is viable.  To date, the total committed investment is over €15 million, and the installed capacity will exceed 15,270 kilowatt peak (KWp). These photovoltaic plants will avoid the emission of 6,000 tonnes of CO2 a year, which is equivalent to planting approximately 2,250 Aleppo pine trees each year.

Thanks to this investment effort, the number of photovoltaic plants installed within the Group now stands at thirteen and the forecast is that, by 2025, this figure will be around twenty.

These photovoltaic installations, mainly destined for self-consumption, will allow us to take advantage of solar energy for the development of our industrial activity while significantly contributing to the reduction of our environmental footprint and carbon emissions. In addition to the environmental benefits, this investment also has positive financial implications in the medium and long term, as it will lead to cost savings in our energy consumption, reducing the impact of possible energy inflation.

This is a clear reinforcement of the Group’s commitment to corporate responsibility and the drive for a more sustainable industry.

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