Foster development of human capital and promote an optimum working environment.
Have a positive impact by helping to build a more equal society.
Assurance of Human Rights
- Risk Assessment (Due Diligence)
- Define policies and procedures
- Specific training in Human Rights
- Ethics mailbox and other channels
- Complaints mechanism monitoring
- Corrective measures
- Ethical audits
centers audited in Human Rights
of Spanish employees trained in Human Rights
of overseas employees trained in Human Rights
Safeguard the wellbeing of our employees and encourage them to get involved
with the development of our company
training hours in ORP
10.38% vs. 2021
hiring of people with disabilities vs. 2021
women are in a position of responsability
of our office employees worked from home
of employees received training
hours of training
15% vs. 2021
Promote activities that aid the economic and social development of our areas of influence
social initiatives launched in the communities in which we operate
in social action